The Patient Care Association جمعية رعاية المريض at Baakleen Medical Center represented by its President Mrs.May Ibrahim visited His Excellency Ambassador Takeshi Okubo, the Ambassador of Japan in Lebanon.
The committee presented a customized gift handcrafted from Baakleen’s nature, as a souvenir by the acting Vice President of the committee, Mrs. Donia Ghousseiny in the presence of the Administrative Director at Baakleen Medical Center Ms. Hiba Abou Fakher
The meeting reinforced the close relationship between Baakleen Medical Center with the Japanese Embassy and expressed gratitude for all the grants presented to the hospital in previous years which improved the medical services and increased patients’ satisfaction.
In return, the vice president stressed the aim of the organization in helping BMC patients pay their hospitalization fees and supporting the hospital in some minor projects.
The Patient Care Association جمعية رعاية المريض at Baakleen Medical Center is grateful for the continuous support from the People of Japan and looks forward to more fruitful projects that will serve its community